Integrated Tattoo Healing Interviews : Freedom Moreno

Freedom Moreno, a local Portland multicultural Human of Color and non-binary/female (she, her, they them) generously allowed me to interview them.

I put out a request to those who have been tattooed by me to share their stories and insights into tattooing and Integrated Tattoo Healing. Freedom was the first. It was Magickal. This project is my attempt to collect the personal wisdoms of tattoo guests to support their theories that tattoos offer an alternative to traditional therapy.

Hopefully, along side other tattooist (such as Tamara Santibanez) who have taken up the call, I will be able to support that bigger picture via academia. To take these incredible stories and develop research to further uplift the concepts and cultures that birthed these wisdoms of tattooing as a justice centered and trauma informed path of alternative healing.

Please note that this interview and interviewee are not taking the stance that scarification practices are solely viewed as “self-harm.” Self harming is a legitimate experience as is “ritualized scarification.” As someone who also once utilized scarification as a tool for therapeutic release/self-harm and rite of passage I support acknowledging that those practices have multiple intentions (including artistic) and should not be taboo to express for clarity and or for support as desired.

Thank you all 🖤 BIG Love

Background 🎵: “Words” @seinabosey


Integrated Tattoo Healing Interviews : Stephanie Birdwell


Same Mountain